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Self-hosting SSO (Part 3): LDAP

How to use Docker to provide LDAP as centralized user management for Keycloak and services that don't natively support SSO.

Joey Miller • Last updated July 06, 2023

This guide is the third part in a multi-part series of guides:

What is LDAP?

LDAP is an acronym for "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol". LDAP is a software protocol that is used to enable applications to query user information.

When self-hosting, we may be hosting services that do not support any form of single sign-on (such as OAuth2, OIDC, or SAML). In situations like this, LDAP can be useful to allow users to use the same set of credentials on such a service. Instead of being redirected to the Keycloak/OAuth2 Proxy login portal, the service will manage authentication itself while using LDAP as the source of truth for the credentials.

When implementing LDAP into our infrastructure, we will be making it the source of truth for user credentials. We will then connect LDAP to Keycloak. This will make LDAP users available in Keycloak and can allow for their management via the Keycloak Administration UI.

Keycloak and "Service 2" query LDAP directly to validate the credentials provided by the user.
Diagram showing an overview of an infrastructure that consists of Keycloak and LDAP.

Choosing a directory server

There are many different LDAP directory server software solutions, such as FreeIPA, OpenLDAP, 389ds, lldap, etc.

  • FreeIPA: built on 389ds with additional features such as an included management interface, Kerberos, etc.
  • OpenLDAP: an LDAP directory server developed by the OpenLDAP Project.
  • 389ds: a performant LDAP directory server developed by Red Hat.
  • lldap: lightweight read-only LDAP directory server.

We want a directory server that is:

  • Simple - we do not need the additional bells and whistles (such as Kerberos, etc)
  • Read-write - we want changes to users in Keycloak to be reflected in LDAP

For this reason, 389ds is a good choice. Although it does not come bundled with any web interface, this is not important because after some configuration users can be managed via the Keycloak Administration UI.

Running LDAP

Add the following to your docker-compose.yml.

        image: quay.io/389ds/dirsrv:latest
        ## Optionally uncomment one or both ports to expose to the host
        #    - '389:3389/tcp'    # Unencrypted port
        #    - '636:3636/tcp'    # SSL/TLS port 
            DS_DM_PASSWORD: "password"
            - ./data/ldap:/data
        restart: unless-stopped

Configuring LDAP

389ds provides several commands that help configure the LDAP server.

From the official "Quick Start":

389 Directory Server is controlled by 3 primary commands.

  • dsctl: This manages a local instance, requiring root permissions. This starts, stops, backs-up and more.
  • dsconf: Manage a remote or local instance configuration. This requires cn=Directory Manager. It changes settings of the server and is the primary tool you will use for administration of config.
  • dsidm: Manage content inside of a backend, with an identity management focus. The permissions of this tool are granted by access controls, and can even be used for some limited self service actions.

There is also ldapadd/ldapmodify/ldapdelete, etc to add/manage/delete LDAP entries.

Basic structure

In this guide we will be implementing a very simple directory structure that consists of `People`, `Groups`, and `Administrators` (optional).

Diagram showing the simplified LDAP directory structure with "People", "Groups", and "Administrator" organizational units.
Diagram showing the simplified LDAP directory structure.

Initial setup

Out-of-the-box, no LDAP parent entry (suffix) is created. We should create one with our domain name.

First, let's enter the console for the LDAP docker container:

docker exec -it {ldap_container} bash

And create our LDAP suffix. The suffix is ["the root of the directory [...]. It could be set to whatever you like. Setting it to the domain name is simply a useful convention that ensures your directory name space is unique."](https://serverfault.com/a/11441)

bash# dsconf -v localhost backend create --suffix dc=example,dc=com --be-name example --create-suffix

Then (still inside the container), let's add the organizational units for "People" and "Groups". It isn't strictly necessary to have users and groups separated, but it will allow us to better differentiate between them going forward.

bash# ldapadd -v -H ldap://localhost:3389/ -x -W -D "cn=Directory Manager" << EOF
dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: People
bash# ldapadd -v -H ldap://localhost:3389/ -x -W -D "cn=Directory Manager" << EOF
dn: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Groups


  • Make sure to replace dc=example,dc=com with your domain name (example.com)
  • When asked to Enter LDAP Password, use the password you set for DS_DM_PASSWORD in your Docker compose file.

Enable the MemberOf plug-in (optional)

MemberOf simplifies user searches, by returning the user and any groups the user belongs to, with a single command. Without MemberOf, a client must run multiple lookups to find a user's group memberships.

We need to enable the MemberOf plug-in to filter users by the groups they are in when using services such as Jellyfin.

In more technical terms, this makes our schema use RFC2307bis attributes (instead of the RFC2307 attributes used by default).

From inside the LDAP docker container (as in "Initial setup"), run the following command:

dsconf -v localhost -D "cn=Directory Manager" plugin memberof enable

It is worth noting: enabling the plug-in does not retroactively create this 'memberOf' attribute on existing users. If you run into trouble, consider leaving and re-joining all groups for each user.

Configuring Keycloak to work with LDAP

Once Keycloak and LDAP are running, go to User federation from the sidebar, and click Add Ldap providers. For a full guide on configuring Keycloak see part one of this guide.

Create an LDAP provider with (leaving other fields as default):

  • Vendor: Other
  • Connection URL: ldap://ldap:3389
  • Bind DN: cn=Directory Manager
  • Bind credentials: (DS_DM_PASSWORD value)
  • Edit mode: WRITABLE
  • Users DN: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
  • Username LDAP attribute: uid
  • RDN LDAP attrbute: uid-
  • UUID LDAP attribute: nsUniqueId
  • User object classes: inetOrgPerson, organizationalPerson

The default Keycloak admin user will not be synced to LDAP.

Syncing groups to Keycloak

Go to User federation > Settings > Mappers > Add mapper

Set the following fields (leaving other fields as default):

  • Name: groups
  • Mapper type: group-ldap-mapper
  • LDAP Groups DN: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
  • Group Name LDAP Attribute: cn
  • Membership LDAP Attribute: member
  • Membership Attribute Type: DN
  • Membership User LDAP Attribute: uid
  • User Groups Retrieve Strategy: LOAD_GROUPS_BY_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE

![Screenshot of Keycloak showing the list of LDAP mappers. The new "groups" mapper is visible in the list.](../../../static/media/blog/2023/05/selfhosting-sso-ldap-part-3/screenshot_of_keycloak_ldap_mappers.png "Screenshot of Keycloak \"Mappers\" tab. New \"groups\" mapper is visible.")

Unfortunately groups appear to be a (mostly) one-way connection. Creating a group in Keycloak will create one in LDAP, but all other changes (deleting a group, adding an attribute, etc) will not be synced back to LDAP.

Securing the LDAP installation

Disabling anonymous bind

Anonymous binds simplify searches and read operations, such as finding a phone number in the directory by not requiring users to authenticate first. However, anonymous binds can also be a security risk, because users without an account are able to access the data.

From inside the LDAP docker container (as in "Initial setup"), run the following command:

dsconf -v localhost -D "cn=Directory Manager" config replace nsslapd-allow-anonymous-access=off

Creating additional bind users

We may not want to use the default administrative "Directory Manager" bind user on all services - especially for services that don't require write access.

From inside the LDAP docker container (as in "Initial setup"), run the following commands:

bash# ldapadd -v -H ldap://localhost:3389/ -x -W -D "cn=Directory Manager" << EOF
dn: ou=Administrators,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Administrators

bash# ldapadd -v -H ldap://localhost:3389/ -x -W -D "cn=Directory Manager" << EOF
dn: uid=admin,ou=Administrators,dc=example,dc=com
cn: admin
sn: admin
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
userPassword: test

Now that we have created the additional user, we can give it some permissions. This is done by setting ACI policies. The following links here and here are good references when writing complex ACIs.

The following command will give our new LDAP admin user read-only (search,read,compare) access to any field inside our dc=example,dc=com suffix.

bash# ldapmodify -v -H ldap://localhost:3389/ -x -W -D "cn=Directory Manager" << EOF
dn: dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: aci
aci: (target="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr="*") (version 3.0; acl "example"; allow (search,read,compare) userdn="ldap:///uid=admin,ou=Administrators,dc=example,dc=com";)

You can view the new ACI permissions with the following command:

ldapsearch -v -H ldap://localhost:3389/ -x -W -D "cn=Directory Manager" -s sub '(aci=*)' aci

Configuring LDAP with other services

As mentioned in the earlier guides, Jellyfin is one such service that works best with LDAP when trying to set up single sign-on (SSO) for your self-hosted services. This is valuable for services with apps that have yet to implement proper SSO/Header auth support.


Connecting LDAP to Jellyfin

From the Administration Dashboard, go to Advanced > Plugins> Catalog and install the LDAP Authentication plugin. You may need to restart your server.

Then from My Plugins click on the three dots for the LDAP-Auth plugin and click Settings.

Screenshot of the Jellfin Plugins page showing the "LDAP-Auth" plugin.
Screenshot of the Jellyfin Plugins page.

Assuming your LDAP installation is in the same Docker installation as your Jellfin installation, the following settings are necessary:

  • LDAP Server: ldap
  • LDAP Port: 3389
  • LDAP Bind User: < bind user >
  • LDAP Bind User Password: < bind password >
  • LDAP Base DN for searches: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
  • LDAP Search Filter: (objectclass=inetOrgPerson)
  • LDAP Admin Base DN: < blank >
  • LDAP Admin Filter: (memberOf=cn=test_group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com)
  • Enable User Creation: true


  • Replace < bind user > and < bind password > with either:

    • your default cn=Directory Manager LDAP admin user
    • the additional LDAP admin user we set up earlier in this guide (e.g. uid=admin,ou=Administrators,dc=example,dc=com)
  • The LDAP Admin Filter used above requires the MemberOf plugin to be enabled. As mentioned in the linked section, please be aware that this will not take effect retroactively.

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