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Self-hosting SSO with Nginx (Part 2): OAuth2 Proxy

How to use Docker and Nginx to get started with reverse proxy authentication for services that don't natively support OAuth.

Joey Miller • Last updated July 06, 2023

This guide is the second part in a multi-part series of guides:

Why do we need Reverse Proxy Auth?

In the first part of this guide, we covered setting up Keycloak. This gives us single sign-on (SSO) for services that can be configured to authenticate with Keycloak/OAuth2/SAML, etc. For services that don't support this, we need to additionally set up reverse proxy authentication.

An example of a service that may require this is a single-user service such as Pihole. In this case, we would disable the Pihole login page and rely on having the reverse proxy (Nginx) prevent unauthenticated users from accessing the service.

We will be configuring OAuth2 Proxy with Keycloak to accomplish this.

How OAuth2-proxy works

When a user attempts to access a service, Nginx can be configured to call an endpoint to check if the user is authenticated. In this scenario that endpoint is provided by OAuth2 Proxy.

The reverse proxy queries OAuth2 Proxy to check if a user is authenticated. OAuth2 Proxy in turn validates the user authentication via an OAuth2 request with our auth provider (Keycloak).
Diagram of reverse proxy authentication flow.


This guide assumes you are using Docker + Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) as the reverse proxy. This guide will be easy to adapt to bare Nginx.

Within Nginx Proxy Manager, I will be assuming you have set up SSL and are enforcing HTTPS for each proxy host. Otherwise, additional setup may be required - such as setting the environment variable OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECURE=false for OAuth2 Proxy.

Setting up OAuth2-proxy

First, we need to create a client in Keycloak. This will be used to allow OAuth2 Proxy to validate user authentication with Keycloak.

  1. Go to the Keycloak Administration Console

  2. Create a new client by going to Clients > Create client.

    • Leave Client type as OpenID Connect
    • Set Client ID to oauth2-proxy
    • Set Client authentication to On
    • Set Authentication flow to only Standard flow
    • Click Save
  3. From the Clients > oauth2-proxy > Credentials page, copy the Client secret (we will be using this below)

  4. From the Clients > oauth2-proxy > Settings page:

    • Set Valid redirect URIs to https://auth.example.com/oauth2/callback

    • Set Front-channel logout URL to https://auth.example.com/oauth2/sign_out

      • This makes sure that OAuth2-proxy single sign-out works. OAuth2-proxy will log itself out when a logout request is sent to our realm.

Add the following to your docker-compose.yml (in addition to the keycloak and npm services we already added earlier on):

        # internal: oauth2proxy on port 4180
        image: quay.io/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy:latest
            OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_DOMAINS: '.example.com' # Required so cookie can be read on all subdomains.
            OAUTH2_PROXY_WHITELIST_DOMAINS: '.example.com' # Required to allow redirection back to original requested target.
            # Configure to use Keycloak
            OAUTH2_PROXY_PROVIDER: 'oidc'
            OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_ID: 'oauth2-proxy'
            OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_ISSUER_URL: 'https://auth.example.com/realms/master'
            OAUTH2_PROXY_REDIRECT_URL: 'https://auth.example.com/oauth2/callback'
            - keycloak
        restart: unless-stopped

Make sure to:

  • Set OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET to the Client secret value you copied from the Keycloak Administration Console
  • Set OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECRET to a strong cookie secret you generated. See the OAuth2 Proxy docs for further instructions to help accomplish this.

Note: By default, OAuth2 Proxy requires that all users have their email field set and verified. This can be done for each user in the Keycloak Users page for the realm. If you would like to remove this requirement from OAuth2 Proxy, make sure you set the environment variables OAUTH2_PROXY_INSECURE_OIDC_ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_EMAIL=true and OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_EMAIL_CLAIM=sub.

Then, let's configure OAuth2 Proxy in the NPM web interface. As mentioned earlier in this guide, we will be hosting it at auth.example.com/oauth2. Replace example.com with your domain name.

  1. From the NPM dashboard, click Edit for our auth.example.com Proxy Host.

  2. In the Custom Locations tab for the auth.example.com entry, add a location:

    • Set Define location to ~ ^/oauth2/.+$
    • Set Scheme, Forward Hostname / IP, and Forward Port to http, oauth2proxy, 4180 (respectively)

Screenshot showing two 'Custom locations' in the 'Edit Proxy Host' dialog inside the NPM dashboard.
Screenshot of `auth.example.com` proxy host configuration.

Configuring a service for reverse proxy auth

Now that we have configured OAuth2 Proxy we are ready to use it to provide authentication to our services. I will assume such services are already being reverse proxied by NPM.

To configure a service to use reverse proxy authentication, we need need to make some changes to the service in the NPM dashboard.

  1. Add location, set Define location to /.

    • Set Scheme, Forward Hostname / IP, and Forward Port for your service
    • For the custom location, click the gears icon and set:
auth_request     /oauth2/auth;
error_page 401 = @error401;
  1. Add location

    • Set Define location to /oauth/auth
    • Set Scheme, Forward Hostname / IP, and Forward Port to http, oauth2proxy, 4180 (respectively)

Screenshot showing two 'Custom locations' in the 'Edit Proxy Host' dialog inside the NPM dashboard.
Screenshot of service proxy host configuration.

Under the Advanced tab, set:

location @error401 {
        return 302 https://auth.example.com/oauth2/start?rd=https://$host$uri;

This tells Nginx to use OAuth2 Proxy to check if we are authenticated. If we are not, we should be redirected to the login page.

Configuring HTTP Header auth (optional)

Some multi-user services support expect the reverse proxy to pass the authenticated username/email in an HTTP header.

In addition to completing the above steps, add the following to the environment: section of oauth2proxy in your docker-compose.yml:


Then, let's configure Nginx to pass the service a header to inform it of the logged-in user.

  1. From the NPM dashboard, click Edit for the service.

  2. In the Custom Locations tab, find the location/endpoint that corresponds to our service (such as /):

    • For the custom location, click the gears icon and add the following to the field (in addition to the auth_request lines we added earlier) :
auth_request_set $user $upstream_http_x_auth_request_preferred_username;
proxy_set_header REMOTE-USER $user;

(where REMOTE-USER is the HTTP header that the service will look for to determine the logged-in user)

Restricting users from services

In the first part of this series, we covered some approaches to prevent user(s) from accessing an entire client. Since a single OAuth2 Proxy instance/client can provide authentication for many services - we need a different approach to restrict users on a per-service basis.

OAuth2 Proxy can support restricting members by role or group.

Keycloak already provides the necessary information (client scope) to OAuth2 Proxy for restricting users by role, but some additional configuration is needed for groups:

  1. Go to Client scopes > Create client scope and create a new Client Scope with the name groups.
  2. In the created Client Scope, go to the Mappers tab and click Configure a new mapper. Click Group Membership give it a name and set Token Claim Name to groups and add it. Tick Add to access token and Add to userinfo.
  3. Go to Clients > oauth2-proxy and in the Client scopes tab click Add client scope and add groups as Default.

Globally enforcing roles or groups

Globally enforcing a Realm role required by all users that attempt to authenticate through OAuth2 Proxy can be done by setting the environment variable OAUTH2_PROXY_ALLOWED_ROLES or OAUTH2_PROXY_ALLOWED GROUPS respectively.

For example. To require all users to be part of the oauth2proxy realm role, add the following to the environment section of the oauth2proxy service in your Docker compose file:

            OAUTH2_PROXY_ALLOWED_ROLES: 'oauth2proxy'

Enforcing groups for specific service(s)

OAuth2 Proxy supports enforcing groups on a per-service basis by adding a query parameter to the /oauth2/auth location we set up earlier when "Configuring a service for reverse proxy auth".

Because Nginx/NPM does not support query parameters in the auth_request URI, we need to use a redirect instead.

To require users accessing a service to be a part of the group mygroup: click the gears icon for the service's /oauth2/auth location and set the custom configuration to:

rewrite ^ /oauth2/auth?allowed_groups=mygroup break;

Screenshot showing the OAuth2 'Custom location' in the 'Edit Proxy Host' dialog inside the NPM dashboard.
Screenshot of service proxy host configuration when enforcing groups.

What next?

We've now successfully set up an SSO implementation that will work with the majority of our services.

Some multi-user services such as Jellyfin that don't have OAuth or Header Auth support can still cause us headaches. In this case, I recommend adding LDAP to your implementation.

See: Self-hosting SSO with Nginx (Part 3): Keycloak + LDAP

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